Sweet Sixteen Glass fiber boat rescue
This old Sweet Sixteen, built by Marieholms Bruk in Sweden, was rescued from a water water-filled ditch
Not in original condition
This old Sweet Sixteen, built by Marieholms Bruk in Sweden, was rescued from a water water-filled ditch
Not in original condition
strong>Nordson 1961 Sport Boat
This boat was built by KANO OG BAADEBYGGERI 1961 and was delivered with an special made trailer.
I still have the trailer but not the boat.
The original broschyr is in German language.
The Original trailer from 1961
Denna båt är byggd med kravell och utan spant. Borden har tråd av rostfritt stål som de hålls samman med.
Byggd i trakterna kring Uppsala. kan ev vara ett 30-talsbygge med tanke på främre däckets breda mahognydelar.
A very special built mahogany sport boat. Look at the picture that shows the inside of the boat and you can see that is differs a lot from the “normal” construction.
Stainless steel wires are inside the wood that keeps everything together.
Built near the town Uppsala in sweden
The pictures shows an unrestored sport bot made by Villers at Åland outside the coast of Finland. Today the boat is under restoration
This Cab Over from the 50-ies was raced by Faley from Kungsör Sweden
Svensk text längre ner på denna sida+ tillverkningstabell
Production started in 1958 at “Marieholms Bruk” . The total production was of much higher numbers than we often hear and certainly there were moore than 600 boats manufactured. According to the original manufacturing documentation from factory 1958-1965, which I have in my possession, the total number of boats made at the factory 2737 pieces which then covers all Marieholms boats including SW16. A total of Marieholm made Sweet Sixteen 1958-1965’s are 583 with numbers starting at number 100. Manufacturing table can be found further down on this page.
The origin of the Sweet Sixteen is from the US. Before the start of the manufacturing process a plug, ie mold, was imported from US. Marieholms former production manager until 1965, says that the American one cockpit version never was made by Marieholm.
Bottom design culminated several time during the period 1958-1965. A more distinct bottom shape with 12-degree V-bottom came about in 1965 and available on the successor Canberra. For the first production series was Attwood equipment used but they were later replaced local manufacturers.
A small number of boats were built or prepared for inboard stern drive. The boat bottom was reinforced with beams. They were also used for engine bed.
In swedish:
Tillverkningen kom igång 1958 på Marieholms Bruk efter att man först hade planerat att ha tillverkning i lokaler på KEX-fabriken norr om Göteborg Styren och livsmedel går inte så bra ihop så Marieholms Bruk blev den rätta platsen. Den totala tillverkningen var klart större än vad vi ofta hör och med säkerhet var antalet tillverkade över 600 st. Enligt original tillverkningsdokumentation från fabriken 1958-1965, som jag har i min ägo, var det totala antalet tillverkade båtar vid fabriken 2737 st vilket då omfattar samtliga Marieholms båttyper inklusive SW16. Totalt av Marieholm tillverkade Sweet Sixteen 1958-1965 är 583st med en numrering som startar vid 100. Tillverkningstabellen återfinns längre ner på denna sida.
Copyrigts Netclassics. Om källan återges dvs Netclassics får informationen kopieras.
Rutan är också ett kapitel för sig. Märk väl att de första båtarna hade en ruta som inte satt i någon metallram.
Mer om detta finns på annan plats här på Netclassics.
Detta är unika bilder på Sweet Sixten i USA där den ursprungligen byggdes.
Efter att plugg och däcksmallar kom till Sverige startade tillverkningen vid Marieholms Bruk.
Den första Sweet Sixteen visades på Ostemans Marmorhallar och hade då nr 100 eller 101.
Numreringen började på 100 då man tyckte det kändes lite fel att starta på nr 1. Antalet totalt tillverkade båtar var mer än 600st.
Ofta diskuteras Sweet Sixteens bottenutförmning och den ändrades succesivt undr produktionen. När detta gjordes har jag inte klarställt.
En annan sak är också att de tidigare hade styrningen på “vänster” sida. De efterfäljande på styrbords “höger”
Vad som också skilde båtarna åt var hur ryggen på framsätet var utfomad i mitten. Vissa hade som man ser på den USA-tillvekade båten däck en urkapning och en del som gick att lyfta bort i ryggstödet för att lättare kunna gå mellan sittplatserna. Andra hade inte detta. USA-varianten kunde också ha en lucka monterad i akterdäcket bakom bakre sätet vilket är praktiskt så man slipper fälla baksätes ryggstöd för att komma åt tank mm. Detta förekom inte på Marieholmsbåtarna.
Enligt de uppgifter jag ha från initierat håll byggs det upp en faktabas me originaldokumentation om båtarna och var de olika delarna inköptes mm. Detta kommer att finnas i Marieholmsbrukstrakten. Detta är värdefullt för det underlättar vid originalrenoveringar om man har fakta att utgå ifrån och inte hörsägen om hur båtarna såg ut mm.
Njut av dessa bilder och den faktainfo som följer i detta brev jag erhållit från USA via Herman Phalen:
“In response to your request for some pictures of Kettenburg boats, here are some pictures of my sixteen boat made by Kettenburg Boat Works in 1959 and named the Sweet Sixteen by Kettenburg. I’m the second owner of the boat and purchased it in 1984. Shortly after purchasing my boat, I called Kettenburg Boat Works in San Diego and was put in touch with Tom Kettenburg. Mr. Kettenburg and myself had a long conversation about boats including quite a bit of information about the Sweet Sixteen.
Mr. Kettenburg told me that the Sweet Sixteen was produced for about 4 years; 1956, 1957, 1958 and 1959. He told me that approximately 1000 Sweet Sixteens and Saucy Fourteens(14 ft. version) were made during those 4 years. About 400 stayed in the United States(mine is #368) and somehow the rest wound up in Sweden, where I hear there are quite a few just lying around dying.
Here are some pictures of my boat. The trim piece that joins the hull to the deck and all the other trim are polished aluminum. All of the wood is either solid mahogany or mahogany marine ply. The color on the boat is all original gel coat from the factory. The engine and all controls(steering, throttle, etc.) are all original. The engine is a 1959 50 horse Johnson.The two pictures of the boat under construction are not my boat, their in Sweden.
If I can be of any more help, please feel free to contact me. “
Greetings Mr Littman,
Anm. Detta brevsvars mottagare var Herman Pahlen.
Kettenburg Boat Works
This boat is belived to have drawing number 886 and designed by Pettersson in Sweden.
The drawing show some minor differences form the actual boat that was built.
This one is one of the Netclassics old “Barn Find boats”.
Nowdays we just have a more “modern” and smaller mahogany cabin boat.
With ownership of old race boats follows also the responsibility to keep them in good condition or restore them from the Barn Find Condition. We did put some efforts into this boat and made some new parts but later it was taken over by another owner. Hope it is fully restored today.
This is one of the early Glass Fiber Boats made in Sweden.
IW Sport.
The blue boat on this pictures is in original condition and not restored.
Sold new to Karlshamn in south of Sweden. Two owners since new.
Is today in Stockholm
IW Sport tillverkad i Henån på Västkusten ca 1958-59. Denna båt är i ett fint orört originalskick. Kanske en av de bäst bevarade i Sverige