Tidigt 1928 var en mycket intressant tid. Introduktionen av den nya Forden kom tidigt i Norden.
Jag visar här en dokumentation som visar att introduktionen av A-Forden skedde januari – februari 1928.
Redan i Januari 1928 fanns det A-Fordar levererade till Danmark och den första A-Forden ser ni på bifogade tidningsartiklar från Danmark.
Tidningsklippen visar den första presentationen av A-Forden och det stärker min uppfattning om att
Ford Motor Company exporterade A-Fordar till Danmark- Sverige- Finland – Norge mycket tidigt.
Bilarna som kom hit med de första fartygen var tillverkade nov-dec 1927 !
A-Ford Roadster A189 bör ha varit med i lasten på den första leveransen. Bilen finns i USA nu och såldes nyligen för ett mycket högt belopp.
Jag har A189 kylare, trästommen till karossen och ett original bakljus i min ägo här i Sverige.
Har ni mer information om de tidiga A-Fordarna är jag tacksam om ni delar med er av detta så vi får en mer komplett bild av Fords export till de nordiska länderna.
Early 1928 was a very interesting time. The introduction of the new Ford came early in the Nordic countries . I is a documentation showing that the introduction of the A -Ford took place from January to February 1928. Already in January 1928 , there were A- Fords delivered to Denmark and you will find the first A -Ford in the attached newspaper articles from Denmark. Newspaper clips showing the first presentation of A -Ford and it reinforces my belief that Ford Motor Company exported A Fords to the Denmark – Sweden – Finland – Norway very early. The cars that came here with the first vessels were manufactured from November to December 1927 !
The A Ford Roadster A189 should have been included in the load on the first delivery .
The car is in the U.S. now and was recently sold a very high amount.
I have A189 radiator, wooden frame to the body and original tail lights in my possession here in Sweden .
Do you have more information about the early A- Fords , I’m grateful if you share this so we get a more complete picture of Ford’s exports to the Nordic countries
November 2012 was the new Netclassics launched at www.
November 2013, we achieved record breaking 18,000 visitors limit. It’s great for a little private website that is all about vehicles and the social community that this hobby creates.
Interest in our older vehicles and the history of technology is increasing and more young people
finds that the hobby brings so much joy and great socializing.
Our talented A Ford Clubs – Private promoters and other Club activities worldwide makes an outstanding contribution to today’s and tomorrow’s youth.
Soon it will be Christmas and lets give each other the best gift you can get. A Christmas together, socializing with each other and do not attach your eyes on mobile phones or on the web.
Thanks to everyone out there who visit us during the past year and I hope to see you on Netclassics.com several more times.
Lars Hedstrom
Continue ReadingSomething to selebrate. 18000 views in less than a year !
For(d) more information please click at the categories above. There are lot of more to read under each section. At the front page ju find the latest posts at Netclassics. Feel free to send us pictures and stories about your car or boat. We are also interested to buy a Ford Model T or Model A so please mail us at info(at)netclassics.com if you have a fair deal to offer us. The car is aimed for our Museum at Gotland.
För mer information, klicka på ovanstående kategorier. Det finns massor av mer att läsa i varje avsnitt. På förstasidan kan ni hitta de senaste inläggen på Netclassics. Vi är mycket intresserade av de tidigt tillverkade A-Fordarna med 3 eller 4-siffriga chassinummer/motornummer så vet ni om någon sådan A-Ford hör av er till info(at)netclassics.com (at)=@ . Den Norska A-Fordklubben med Chris i spetsen söker också information om de tidiga A-Fordarna.
Välkommen att skicka oss bilder och berättelser om din bil eller båt. Vi är även intresserade av att köpa en Ford Model T eller modell A så maila oss på info(at)netclassics.com (at)=@ om ni har något förslag till oss. Bilen är tänkt för vårt Museum vi nu bygger upp på Gotland
……………………………………………….The oldest one ?…………………………………….
This car is one the Model A´s that has been in my focus since I first saw it in Västerås in Sweden many years ago.
Herbert Moitzi was the owner and I did follow his restoration of the car rather closely. It was found at an auction with a 1930 engine mounted in the car.
The original motor was to be seen beside the car. The 189 engine was then sent for restoration and the 1930 engine was replaced.
As the body came off, the chassis number was very clear and easy to read. The engine number and frame number was the same, A189.
I had lots of contacts with Doc Kalinka and Fred Gooding to find out how it was possible that a early series car had found its way to Sweden late 1927.
First date of registration in Sweden was early in Mars 1928 ! Calculate backwards and with minimum of 30 days of transport over the ocean + all handling give us the fact that the car must have been sent from the US already late 1927. That is even earlier than most dealers in the US. Most dealers did not even have a car for display !
I know when the first load of Model A´s did arrive to Denmark for distribution to Sweden- Norway and Finland. That info can be found under the Model A section here at Netclassics Model A site.
On the same boat were Model A´s with 4 digit engine numbers ! We have to look more into that and study the Danish newspaper ads with articles from the first Model A arrival in Denmark that you also can find at Netclassics site.
……………………………………………… Interesting Model A Parts…………………………………….
One part on the very early Model A´s that is special (among others) is the rear light…. look at the pictures of one extremely rare rear lamp that the very first Model A series supposed to have….I still have the light lying at my desk here in Sweden….Notice the special Ford Logo on top !
Early Rear Light A-Ford
Early Rear Light A-Ford
……………………………………………….Accessories for Model A ?………………………………………
The wiper that was at the windshield frame of the A189 !!!!
After market item ? I think so.
A 189 Netclassics
Wiper A-189
Wiper for A189
A 189 Netclassics
…………………………………………..Original radiator A189 still in Sweden………………………………
This radiator was on the A189 and was replaced during the restoration of the car here in Sweden
I still have the original one sawed among my other parts. It is marked with A 189 so I will not mix it up with other Model A parts
I also have some of the original body wood pices from this car. Nice to display at my small museum at Gotland / Sweden
A189 Radiator Netclassics
Netclassics A189 Radiator
A189 Radiator Netclassics
A189 Radiator Netclassics
A189 Radiator Netclassics
A189 Radiator Netclassics
………………………………………………A189 as found………………………………………
A189 unrestored
A189 in Sweden
http://netclassics.com/early-ford-model-a/ Some more material about the Early Model A´s
This picture is of the first Model A delivered to this family 26 of Jan 1928 In Denmark. Obviosly there were several cars delivered very early to Denmark as we can read in the newspapers from Jan 1928 that Ford dealers had the NEW FORD for test drive.
The ship must have left the US in December 1927 with all those cars. These must have had very low chassis numbers. The Model A Roadster A 189 can have been one of the cars that came with the same boat as the cars we now can read in Danish newspapers. A189 was delivered to Stromstad Sweden and sold February 1928 to a Swedish customer.
A189 is still the “oldest” known Model A. It has the lowest known chassis number. Nice car that I did study very well as long as it was in Sweden. Experts in USA know more about those early Model A´s and much can be found at the www.mafca.com website.
We do search för information about the early Model A introduction all over the world.
Please contribute if you can.
My best regards
Lars Hedstroem
netclassics (at) hotmail.com
Here follows some “test” material from Denmark. The material needs more work.