1928 fully running & working Ford Model A
Our Facebook group for Model A “A-Ford 1928-1931 at Facebook”
We have a lot of activity on our Model A page at Facebook. We seriusly hope that the website still is of interest for you. We are open for new ideas what to include in the Netclassics website. Do you like to have some Pictures from your club here ? Tat can easily be done by me. No cost and no profit making from my side.
Go to Facebook and search for the Group by the name ” A-Ford 1928-1931 at Facebook” Join the Group and get lots of new Model A Ford Contacts and friends worldwide.
If you like to mail me just use @hotmail.com and in front of that write Netclassics.
Ford Model A tool for removing cylinder head
Working with right tools is like a walk in the sunshine
Ett genomtänkt och bra konstruerat verktyg underlättar alltid arbetet.
Detta verktyg använder jag för att på ett smidigt och skonsamt sätt lyfta av topplock.
Ofta sitter de mycket hårt och det kan behövasmycket tålamod och kraft för att loss topplocket.
Varför inte göra det enkelt och på ett praktiskt sätt som är skonsamt för både dig och A-Fordmotorn ?
Detta verktyg har visat sig fungera helt perfekt och lyfter topplocket parallellt så att det blir lätt att lyfta av
A well thought out and well designed tool facilitates always work.
This tool do I use to run smoothly and gently lift off the cylinder head.
Often they sit very hard and it can behövasmycket patience and effort to remove the cylinder head.
Why not make it simple and in a practical manner that is easy for both you and A-Ford engine?
This tool has proven to work perfectly, and lift the top cover in parallel so that it is easy to lift off
Ford Model A & T at Facebook
We just started Groups at Facebook for people interested in Ford Model A and Model T. The Facebook groups are non profit groups and independent from any Club or Company.
You can easily watch and share your pictures and stories at Facebook.
There are also information about Clubs to join and a lot of interesting information about Ford Model T and Ford Model A
If a Facebook Group is “closed” you just ask them to become a member and then it opens up by the admin for that Group.
Instructions are very clearly given for that at Facebook
Sometimes it’s easier to share photos via Facebook than sending them to Netclassics website or any other website.
Now we’ve made it really easy. . Go directly to Facebook
Groups where you can start looking at Facebook
Ford Model A
seach for ” A-ford 1928-1931 at Facebook” and be a member. Members can read and add material.
Ads are ok.
Ford Model T
We also recommend this Facebook Group “Model A and T Ford Group” in the US that was started by my friend Don Vaughn

Ford Model A & T
EARLY Ford Model A cars are always interesting
To help you finding more information about the very early pre serie cars that arrived to Scandinavia please look under the tag A189 –
Here is a rear lamp that is correct for the very EARLY MODEL A
More very interesting information can also be found at :
A-Ford 4door 1930/31 owned by the Söderström family in Stockholm Sweden
Jörgen is driving the Model A Ford for the first time this year. It really sounds good !
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