This meeting 2011 was organised by local Model A Ford People at Gotland.
One of the best meetings ever ! Gotland is a very nice place !
Gränsträffen 2011 var organiserad av medlemmar från Gotland.
Detta var en av de trevligaste A-Fordträffarna
Nedan finner ni bilder från täffen.
Foto L Hedstrom / Netclassics
Continue ReadingA-Ford meeting at Gotland 2012 , Boarder Meeting, Gränsträffen
The piston must be installed with the split side facing the engine left side. The engine is seen in the direction of travel.
The connecting rods mounted facing the hole for splash lubrication is the camshaft.
The oil pump should be on the oil pan bottom and have a spring attached underneath. It should not be screwed.
On assembly the temporary screw hole on the right side of the motor used to keep the oil pump in position.
The manifold can loosen if the screw on the right side of the cylinder head is unscrewed. Loosen the lock nut first. Then lift the distributor and release the ignition wire by spinning the distributor so the cable can be threaded out. If the manifold is strucked gently lift under the distributor housing until it loosens.
We take no responsibility for the information above is Ford’s latest recommendations and they may be used on your own responsibility.
Oil leaks are common on the A Ford Motors. Unfortunately, in many cases traced to too bee to much play in the rear main bearing.
Do you have significant leakage contact us for ytterligre tips or talk directly to the club you belong to. First check that oil fille tube not is blocked or covered. The lid on the oil filler tube must not be tight. Excessive pressure in the engine and can be a reason for a major oil leak.
Oil that normally is used for the Ford Model A Engine is a Mineral Oil SAE 40W, SAE10-50W, SAE 20-50W. Oil quality and type of oil is alway under discussion so use the oil you find best.
We use the 20-50W mineral oil and that works fine.
All in Swedish. Kolven skall monteras med den delade sidan vänd mot motorns vänsta sida. Motorn ses i färdriktningen.Vevstakarna monteras vända så att hålet för stänksmörjningen blir mot kamaxeln.Oljepumpen skall stå på oljetrågets botten och ha en fjäder fastsatt under sig. Den skall inte skruvas fast.Vid montering kan tillfälligt skruvhålet på motorns högra sida användas för att hålla oljepumpen i läge.Fördelaren kan lossas om skruven på topplockets högra sida skruvas ur . Låsmuttern lossas först. Lyft sedan fördelaren och lösgör tändningskabeln genom att snurra fördelaren så kabeln kan gängas ur. Sitter fördelaren hårt bänd försiktigt under fördelaren tills den lossnar.Vi tar inget ansvar för att ovanstående uppgifter är Fords senaste rekommendationer och de får därför användas på eget ansvar.Oljeläckage är ofta förekommande på A-Fordmotorer. Dessvärre kan det i många fall härledas till för stort spel i bakre ramlagret.Har du betydande läckage kontakta oss för ytterligare tips eller vänd dig direkt till den klubb du tillhör. Kontrollera först att oljepåfyllingen inte är igensatt eller täckt. Locket på oljepåfyllningsröret får ej vara tättslutande. Då bildas övertryck i motorn och därmed ett stort oljeläckage.Lycka till.
This Ford Model A Coupè 1931 is made by Janet Gartner`s husband. It`s made of cherry,walnut,maple,bubinga,mahogany,ash and blue mahoe woods. It takes 4-6 months to sculpture each and every model.
The oldest known existing model A in the world is A 189 A189 , one of the 200 very first prototype cars from 1927. This is a presentation of a 1928 Ford Model A Roadster, the earliest known Model A Ford.
The serial number is 189, and that number was found on both the engine and theframe. Number 189 was assembled in November 1927.
In January or February of 1928, this car was exported to Sweden and has been here since March 1928.
The car is in good running condition. We don`t think that any other of the first 200 Model A Fords were sold to customers, as they were not supposed to be sold on the open market.
The demand for the new Ford car was very high during 1928, and as late as June, most of the Ford dealers still didn’t have a single Model A in their showrooms.
It is extremely interesting that this early car managed to get sent overseas. What made it possible for a Swedish buyer to get a New Ford Car as early as in February, 1928? So far, we don`t know. Do you have any spare parts that fit early A’s? For example. we need the rear taillight with the Ford logo stamped on it to restore this car to its 1927 appearance. If you have any information, please let us know.