Some Swedish Ford Model As
strong>Nordson 1961 Sport Boat
This boat was built by KANO OG BAADEBYGGERI 1961 and was delivered with an special made trailer.
I still have the trailer but not the boat.
The original broschyr is in German language.
The Original trailer from 1961
Denna båt är byggd med kravell och utan spant. Borden har tråd av rostfritt stål som de hålls samman med.
Byggd i trakterna kring Uppsala. kan ev vara ett 30-talsbygge med tanke på främre däckets breda mahognydelar.
A very special built mahogany sport boat. Look at the picture that shows the inside of the boat and you can see that is differs a lot from the “normal” construction.
Stainless steel wires are inside the wood that keeps everything together.
Built near the town Uppsala in sweden
This Cab Over from the 50-ies was raced by Faley from Kungsör Sweden