Some Swedish Ford Model As
This Victoria in one of mine Model A:s
Maybe the one that need most work. Love the model so I hink I can get it back to running condition again.
If anyone of you have parts that is in better condition that fits Victora please let me know.
Netclassics() ()=@
A Ford Model A Tudor with a rear door is an interesting car. The door seems to be added at the Danish Ford Motor Factory already in 1931. I was told that this car once was used as delivery car at a bakery. The car has been storaged in a Garage in the center of Stockholm / Sweden for more that 40 years. Now is it up and runing again. First start up was three weeks after I took it out from the storage. Ok there were some job to just get it going. Later on I had to do a more to get it roadworthty. After some weeks of intensive work in the Garage it did run fairly well. Nowdays it is in very much better condition and runs and drives prefectly.
More Pictures of this car can be found at Facebook Group ” A-Ford 1928-1931 at Facebook”
Sometimes the pressure of time to get a car ready is high and so it was this time. Our daughter wanted the Model A-Ford at her wedding . I offered her a Caddilac 1939 cabrio but she said to me. “Dad, we’ve grown up with Model A-Fords, we have holidays driving the A-Fords so now I really expect you to get this A in running condition dad “Ok I have had Model A.s for more that 40 years so there must be a fair chance to get it done in a short time. There was just 3 weeks free time aviable for the “restauration”.I made it ! The car got a new upholstery, new tires, new electrical system, brake overhaul, new wheel bearings, restored water pump, new radiator, new motor head etc
More information can be found at at Facebook: I have the Facebook Group named ” A-Ford 1928-1931 at Facebook ” and also under my name ” Lars Hedström”
Proud parents, Evelyn and Lars Hedstrom, after our daughters wedding
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Evelyn Hedstroem did send us the picture of her Phaeton 1928. it was restored in 1960 and has been is the same condition since then. Lovely to drive and works perfectly every year. Quite gearbox and smooth engine.
Starts up directly every spring. Very nice driver.
This special steering wheel can be found in Olle Bergstroms dlx Phaeton.
A very nice item. What manufacturer made those?
Picture from Granstraffen Gotland 2011. More pictures can be found here at Netclassics web site.
Here follows just some minor wideo clips just forward driving in a Ford Model A Phaeton 1928.
Not so fun clips but they were not aimed for this page really. Nice anyhow to see that it is summer time.
There are really better Photos at the Post Gränsträffen that you also find at Netclassics.
Ford Model A Pheaton
Lars Hedström, Stockholm
Various pictures of Ford Model A Phaeton
Ford Model A Phaeton 1928. Owned by Lars Hedstrom, Sweden.